Hutchies was stoked to be awarded the QCF 2019 Corporate Philanthropist of the Year on Friday 14 June 2019.
Held during Queensland Community Foundation Philanthropy Week, the Philanthropist of the Year Awards are focused on raising the awareness of philanthropy in Queensland and celebrating individuals & organisations who make extraordinary charitable contributions.
Our Chairman, Scott Hutchinson felt the award was an amazing acknowledgement of what Hutchies does. “Our giving is very decentralised and people give at many different levels,” he said. "It’s not something we really talk about - it’s just something we’ve done.”
"Something I am most proud of is that giving is now part of our culture.”
Hutchies has been promoting philanthropy for more than 100 years and we support 200+ charities and not-for-profits annually that are close to our heart. We're passionate about staying connected with our communities, giving back and doing the right thing.
We were honoured to be recognised for the work that we do and we will continue to support and encourage philanthropic growth for many years to come.
ScottHutchinson,ChairmanWe don't have an ultimate aim or goal but just to get in and do it - we decided a long time ago to be part of any community (we were working in) and we are nationwide now - so it’s about long term being part of community.
Charities supported annually
Beehives on top of offices
Years of giving back
Target for new Indigenous careers in the industry