Project value
Weeks to build
Additional area

As a Cairns local for more than 20 years, Hutchies is thrilled to have worked with Cairns Airport to undertake this vital upgrade of the domestic terminal to provide visitors with a world-class airport experience.
Our commitment to the local economy as well as our emphasis on taking care of the environment were key factors in our selection to undertake this significant project.
NorrisCarter,CEO,CairnsAirportHutchinson have a great track record in the successful delivery of projects across the Far North and their environmental and sustainable work practices are something we really value.
The works improve the layout of the terminal, reducing congestion for passengers and increasing the capacity of the security screening area, as well as providing up to 2,000m2 of additional retail and dining areas. This upgrade future-proofs the terminal to cater for up to 10 years of forecast passenger growth and provide options to expand further in the future.
The project was undertaken over nine separable portions and will be undertaken while the airport — the second busiest regional centre in Australia — remains fully operational.
The first stage of the multi-million dollar upgrade was kicked off in February 2019 and finished in mid 2020.
Cairns is the gateway to Far North Queensland, and Hutchies’ local team is proud to have contributed to an entry point that showcases to the world all that the region has to offer.
KyleHare,TeamLeader,HutchinsonBuildersWe’ve enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with other local businesses and proud to say that as a result of the project 350 direct jobs were secured, supporting around 50 subcontractors and suppliers.
GregQuinn,ManagingDirector,HutchinsonBuildersWe anticipate the expansion of T2 will generate 350 jobs during construction. This includes Hutchies’ own people and our subcontractors. Construction activity will also support the local economy through consultants, suppliers and the local community throughout the project.