Project value
Weeks to build

Hutchies is undertaking the redevelopment works at Craigmore High School aross 3 separable portions.
Separable Portion A includes new student and staff toilets on the ground floor of existing Building 3 with mew roof access to existing Building 3.
A new two storey Learning Centre [Building 3A] will incorporate lift and stair access to first floor. At ground, the building will house an art studio, maker studio, special learning area, dance drama studio, two individual music practice rooms, a general music room, a staff preparation room, breakout area, link to Building 3, external learning areas and external plant enclosure.
The first floor will incorporate 4 general learning areas, 2 specialist learning areas, additional breakout area, staff preparation area and an upper link to Building 3.
Separable Portion B includes the refurbishment of existing toilets and change room in existing toilet block (Building 4B). Associated site works adds new stairs and ramp and new paved areas.
Separable Portion C is the refurbishment and extension to the existing Gymnasium Building [Building 4C] including new learning areas (3), new sports & costume store, new evaporative cooling and heating to existing gymnasium, new roof and insulation to existing gymnasium and new insulation to gymnasium wall cladding.